Perching birds - Grey Butcherbird
Grey Butcherbird
(Cracticus torquatus)
Length: | 30cm |
Description: Distinct black tip on a pale beak with a hook at the tip of the upper beak. Black hood, pale grey/white belly and throat, black wings with white patches and grey legs. Black tail with a white tip. Juveniles dark beak and brown above and pale cream/brown below.
Breeding: From July to Jan. Up to 5 eggs incubated for 25 days by the female. The chicks stay in the nest for 28 days and are fed by the parents and last year's young.
Region: South half of Australia and up the East coast just into Cape York and up the West coast to the North West Cape.
Habitat: Wide variety of habitats but most common in open forest and woodland.
Feeding: Mainly small animals (birds, lizards and insects...) also fruits and seeds.